Производитель | Centric RF |
Miniature SMA нагрузка. 0-18 ГГц. КСВН 1,15 макс. 1 Вт, CW. Нержавеющая сталь SMA. 8 in-lbs. .350″ OAL (length). The Centric RF C18S1 is a popular sma microwave / rf load / нагрузка due на its small size. This SMA нагрузкаs features a very good 1,15:1 КСВН на 18 ГГц. This sma rf load features plating of 50 microinches of gold on its contacts и is suitable for both military и co ммercial applications. These SMA нагрузкаs find many applications from 0-18 ГГц.
2812 руб.
Производитель | Centric RF |